Wake up, not too early, lest say between 8:00 and 11:00?
Takes a few min to dawn our swim suits and grab beach paraphernalia for the day. On the way to the beach we stop at a German bakery, we know it is authentic German bakery because the name of the restaurant is "German Bakery"........ so it may not be authentic but it is the only place we can get pastreys and they are not bad. This is a Chi Tea that I am too lazy to rotate so turn your necks to the left.
We take our confections and eat them on the beach. As soon as we are done we take our pill, the one that keeps us from getting malaria. Several people told us that we might get head aches or hallucinate, if we used the medication but for better of worse we have felt no effects (and no malaria)
Between breakfast and 1:00PM we cycle between, sun, shade, water, riding waves, laying on the floaty, reading, sleeping...... It is crucial to switch between activities often due to the intensity of the sun. This is the view that we get when we eat on the beach.
Around 1:00 PM we stop for a sweet lime soda. We have had one (or more) every day. We are served them in a beach side restaurant overlooking the ocean. This fufills several functions, first who wouldn't want something to cool down with, second since it is made of fresh lime juice and soda water it replaces electrolytes and vitamin C.
After the refreshing drink has passed we have one of the largest choices of the day,
A) Eat a small lunch and have dinner at 8.
B) Eat a large lunch and have dinner at 9.
C) Eat a snack and have dinner at 7.
D) Fast that afternoon and go all out at 6:30.
The size of the lunch and time between the next meal and the size of that meal is directly related with the size of the meals having an inverse relationship.
All options are followed up with ice cream and walk on a moon lit beach.
After lunch we have many options, go for a walk, use the internet, nap, read a book, go back in the water... very similar to our morning options except that nap is chosen more frequently. After that we will sit on the beach for the last 3 hrs until the sun sets. This is when the sellers can be the most annoying. They come up and are very nice to you asking you where you are from, is it your first time in India..... and so on, they will talk your ear off and then try to sell you stuff, jewelry, sarongs, CD's.... what ever. The women who sell jewelry are the most annoying because they will say it is free to look but if you do and don't buy anything they will get mad at you and complain that you wasted their time. This is the one time Vanessa bought stuff. (also notice my sweet man bag).
Here are some pic of us on the beach.
This is where we are staying.
Sunset, it is like this every night.
Wow, you guys are lazy! I thought you would be traveling around seeing India, not sitting on the beach all day everyday! lol Sounds great!
ReplyDeleteYeah, lazy is a good way to put it. But I would also say Amazing in that same sentence. You guys must be extremely tan! Maybe its a good thing you are not coming home for christmas, or we will all look like the Lutifisk next to you two.
ReplyDeleteI would hate you guys if I didnt love you guys. Why didnt I hideaway in your bags?
ReplyDeleteI don't know what some of these naysayers are referring to... But the choice of activity after some well documented travel and just before visiting ANOTHER country, IS PERFECT! Enjoy the boundless stressless environment for us friends!
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ReplyDeleteThis blog was so stinking funny - Ted and I just laughed a ton. And, why I'm in the middle of my peds rotation while you guys are in the middle of "best-life-ever?"
ReplyDeleteI just want to add that this is the first time I've read this post - Ryan does all the posts - and I am very impressed with my husband's blogging ability. He's a funny guy, just doesn't know how to spell two grate (ha-ha).
ReplyDeletei taught him everything he knows. we just could never get past that spelling.